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Saturday, November 19, 2005


Cannot delete fileX :Access is Denied

How many times did you get this message ?

"Cannot delete fileX :Access is Denied
Make Sure the Disk is not full or write-protected
And the file is not currently in use"

I think a lot ha ?
At last I got a solution from the BCL Team

you can use it to enumerate the processes that are using the blocked module

For example : LMOD.exe file1.dll
Then you get a list of running process who are using file1.dll module

/// <summary>
/// Simple tool to find out which process have loaded a particular module.
/// </summary>
public class LMod
// "System Idle Process" pid
static int IdleProcessID = 0;

// "System" pid
static int SystemProcessID
//Is older than XP...
if (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major < 5 ||
(Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major == 5 &&
Environment.OSVersion.Version.Minor == 0))
return 8;
return 4;
public static int Main(string[] args)
int total = 0;
string m_ModuleName = "";

if (args.Length == 1)
m_ModuleName = args[0];
// wrong number of parameters...
Console.WriteLine("Usage: LMod module_name");
return 1;

// Get all running processes on the machine...
Process[] m_arrSysProcesses = Process.GetProcesses();
for (int i = 0; i < m_arrSysProcesses.Length; i++)
ProcessModuleCollection modules =
int nCount = modules.Count;

if (nCount > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < nCount; j++)
// Is it the module we are looking for?
if (modules[j].ModuleName == m_ModuleName)
Console.WriteLine("Process Name: "
+ m_arrSysProcesses[i].ProcessName);
Console.WriteLine("Process ID : "
+ m_arrSysProcesses[i].Id);
Console.WriteLine("Priority : "
+ m_arrSysProcesses[i].BasePriority);
Console.WriteLine("Memory Usage: "
+ (m_arrSysProcesses[i].WorkingSet64 /
1024) + " Kb");

catch (Exception e)
// System Idle Process (Idle): represents pseudo-process
// that represents all the processor time not used by
// other processes.
// System (System): represents the processor time
// used by the kernel itself.
if (m_arrSysProcesses[i].Id != SystemProcessID
&& m_arrSysProcesses[i].Id != IdleProcessID)
Console.WriteLine("Error: Process "
+ m_arrSysProcesses[i].ProcessName
+ " (" + m_arrSysProcesses[i].Id + ") failed!");
return 2;

Console.WriteLine("There are " + total
+ " processes using module " + m_ModuleName);

return 100;

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